Larry Trapp now owns the building. He has an antique store in it and specializes in illegal N. Ky casino stuff. He has quite a collection.
Yes, we had poker games both in the basement bar and a building I rented from Larry's Mother, next to the Mustang. It would be to the right in the picture. We lost 3 sets of chips to raids. Larry's Mother Ruth, really hated it every time the door got kicked in.
Ruth also owns a building to the left. It is a restaurant called Peyton Place. It has great food and was an early morning gathering place for all the night life people of Newport. If you wanted to be noticed in Newport best to be at Peyton Place by 6AM to get a seat.
We used to dose the rowdy rednecks with a horse laxative prepared by a druggist down the street. Many times they would stagger out the door and get in Peyton place before they heaved out both ends. Ruth did not like that either.
The Sandwich Shop next to the BRASS ASS had a crap table in those days. One of the owners is now a real estate salesman in LV.
The Mustang has a lot of great stories to tell, someday.
Here is Morgana.