Although I won’t dignify the above post by Brian with a direct response, he has made it more than clear that the swastika is as much an emblem of antisemitism today as it was during World War II.
Additionally, I find myself in the unlikely position of agreeing with Bernie Sloan (in most respects) and also, of course, with Terry. The swastika is today, as it has been for the past 60 years, the most reviled and abhorrent icon in existence, as it rightfully should be to everyone in the civilized world. Intentions simply cannot enter into the equation… if you are selling swastika chips or posting scans of same, you must realize that you will, with certainty, be offending many people.
That said, I do not feel it is correct to attempt to legislate what anyone can or cannot collect, and I would never support a ban such as Bernie suggests, but I also feel that the display of and dealing in these materials shows an insensitivity to the feelings of many people. Whatever the swastika was… Indian good luck charm or otherwise, it is NOW a symbol of fundamental evil and it will and should always be seen as such.
Of course, as long as we have people like Brian in our midst, it makes this concept easier to grasp that the danger of forgetting the past as threatening as it ever was.