I get a feeling from reading the first few posts here that some are projecting some unfair feelings on people who dissagree with them on this. Just because a few people who believe that the history and origin of these chips goes way before Nazi Germany, and that they should not be banned, does not mean those people are in any way calas unfeeling, unaware, ignorant or uncaring about what has happened as the result of the holocaust. I would point out that as unpleasant as some events are we can not ignore or forget history because it offends us. We can not hide those facts and burry them, never to be exposed to them again. As I understand it, and I believe most here are already aware, these chips originate to a symbol that has a Native American(?) origin? That is part of the history that still does need to be recognized. A very bad precidence is before us if we take this symbol and burry it from our conciousness and view because of what a subsequent people did under it's presence. I am reminded of a story, only a year or so ago, where a child was suspended(?) from school for wearing a star of david on a chain around his/her neck. The schools rational for their action was that the symbol was being used as a gang symbol and under zero tolerance would not allow this symbol to be worn by students in school. Also, how many NFL or NBA logos are being used by gangs or organizations as colors and how much crime is being committed, drugs, murder, theft... under the lables of those logos... If we start now by saying that this symbols, total, historical, meaning has changed due to what Hitler did under the banner of this symbol, then we run the risk of having to ban other logos and symbolism when some other group commits crimes or attrocities under them. One other example that I seem to recall was a poster of Osama Bin Laden with, was it a Disney cheracter?, standing behind him. Does this now mean that we should ban that cheracter from all future use and display?
Grant it my examples and points do not compare with the extreme of the holocaust and I in no way insinuate that they do. But, I simply point them out as examples of the potential that one group can TAKE any symbol and use it for their cause and commit unspeakable attrocities with it. I believe it would be wrong to ignore the original meaning of that symbol and force it's disposal and concealment from history.
I would hope that the emotions of this do not continue to cause some people to feel that those who oppose them in any way are not concious or sympathetic or sensitive to the experiences and attrocities that were suffered during that horrable period in history.