Rich, I'm surprised at you. That you would twist what i said, and then turn around and call me a blow hard.
Obviously you have no respect fo my felings concerning this. You're entitled to think of the swastika a merely an idian good luck symbol. Thats your perogative. However...
1. I did NOT imply that Jill was neonazi or antisemetic
2. I was NOT rallying the troops to ban anyone from doing anything.
3. I resent that you would refer to me as a "blowhard" because i voiced my opinions concerning a symbol used by the group that slaughtered 6 million jews. That I voiced my feelings that this is offensive to me.
Maybe you need to review your history. It seems you can't understand my sensitivity here. Or maybe you just dont care about my feelings or the feelings of others that are offended. May I suggest taking a look at this website that deals with the Holicost.