I enjoy discussing these topics and don't want to clog the chipboard with political debate but just want to clarify some of my previous statements.
->> ... I say if you don't like what this country was founded on and the freedoms you are afforded take your kid and get out of our country.
"That sentiment has no appropriate place in either our national discourse on the issue or in our discussion here on the ChipBoard."
What is not appropriate to you may be to another. What about my First Amendment right? That language may have been too strong to make the point that maybe the child doesn't need to say that part of the pledge.
"It is difficult for me to conceive how the teaching of tolerance of others, regardless of how or why they are different than you, could be a bad thing."
"Please note that teaching "tolerance of homosexuality" is not the same thing as teaching homosexuality itself. Being tolerant of homosexuals is no more likely to make you homosexual yourself than being tolerant of blacks is likely to change your skin color."
-To my knowledge, we don't teach racial or religious tolerance and maybe we should.
- I should have been more specific. I think it is imperative that we are all tolerant of ALL peoples as well as their religions. My point was teaching tolerance of lifestyles. Should we teach toleratance of illegal drug usage (but not teach how to use) as well as the user? Should we tolerate crime (but not teach how to commit) as well as the criminal? By teaching it is alright to have parents of the same sex is conveying that lifestyle is morally acceptable.
"And, like it or not, the "liberal" point of view (out to and including the "far left") is shared more or less by a majority of Americans today."
-Which is it? More or less? That is the difference between majority or minority. I feel that is objective anyway and depends on the issue.