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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: Is this a "choken"?????
In Response To: Re: Is this a "choken"????? ()


The Bronco Billy's choken pictured below would play in a $1 slot machine. They were the same weight, thickness and diameter as a $1 slot token. They did tend to jam up the dollar slots more than a regular token, and the cage people hated them because the enameled surfaces made them very slippery, difficult to stack when counting a cash in. But, they could indeed be played in the machines and on the tables.

Bob grin

Messages In This Thread

Is this a "choken"?????
Re: Is this a "choken"?????
Re: Is this a "choken"?????
Re: Is this a "choken"?????
Re: Is this a "choken"?????
Re: Is this a "choken"?????
Re: Is this a "choken"?????
Dr. Tan, here is a pic of Katie's Choken
Re: Dr. Tan, here is a pic of Katie's Choken
Re: Dr. Tan, here is a pic of Katie's Choken
That's it!
Re: Bob; I agree, it's a "Choken"
Re: Is this a "choken"?????

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