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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap

-----Seems like the Silver Strikers recognize the value of affiliating as a Chapter of CC & GTCC.-----
Their chapter gave them an opportunity to have their own bullitian board (which we already have,) their own newsletter (which we already have) a trading session at the national convention (which we already have) and recognition (which we already have through P.A.C.K.) and I assume by-laws, a board of directors, regulations etc. which we do not as yet have.

-----Most Atlantic City Chapter members are also members of CC & GTCC and they don't seem to have a problem with it.-----
Why aren't ALL the members of the Atlantic City chapter members of the CC & GTCC. I definately see the benefit of regional chapters which I will address if necessary but that has nothing to do with what is being proposed in this case. The next thing I can imagine is having a separate slot card chapter within the regional chapters.

-----I just don't understand why all the resentment is building AGAINST forming a Chapter for card and key collectors-----

For one thing, this idea is being sprung upon us without even taking any sort of survey by any of the more active participants of slot cards as to our reaction to such a proposal.
As far as I can see, the people most in favor of this new Chapter idea are the past and present members of the BOD or the "executive committies;"
All banding together with a uniform voice, such as like was done to hush up the Brass Core debacle.

-----For a lousy $5 per year dues, how can anyone go wrong?-----
The $5.00 or $10.00 or whatever, has absoslutely nothing to do with it. I have no doubt you guys will get this chapter going even though many of the more active collectors are against it but afraid to voice their opinion for fear of retribution or retaliation by the powers to be.

As I've asked before privately with no answer from anyone, "Show me and some others the benefit of a formal chapter--something we don't already have, then we can at least sit down calmly and give it a second thought. I see PACK already recruiting a bunch of members every month without a formal recognition, so that can't be the reason.

Messages In This Thread

Anyone new interested in collecting slot cards??
For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chapter
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap
Re: For information on the Slot Card-Room Key Chap

Copyright 2022 David Spragg