If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I can't see anything exciting about initiating rules, regulations, new fees, by-laws or anything else to something that has worked so well for so many for so long. One can join others with a common interest without a formal declaration.
I just pray that anything new planned by only a few remains voluntary to those that want to things to remain status quo.
We have all gotten along so well with not one iota of an argument or dissention of any kind occurring until these proposed changes have cropped up. Now, all at once, all of a sudden, sides are being formed.
I guess it had to happen sometime. I so hope that at least we can keep the slot board clean and left alone for just trading, selling and buying and news of upcoming issues without inudating it with dissention. It's already started, however, and as the saying goes, one cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube once its out.