There's another factor to consider. The fact that there are 250 chips in existence does NOT mean that all of those chips will eventually hit the market. Where a typical limited-edition will be snatched up by colectors, and the rest will go into circulation, where they are likely to eventually be grabbed by a keen-eyed collector, these were reportedly packaged as a promotional item and given to high-rollers at a party. THus, a large number of the people receiving them may have no idea that they are colletibles of any significant value. They may well end up tossed into a closet and forgotten for decades or even thrown away (I know throwing away $25 seems unlikely, but these werereportedly high-rollers, to whom a $25 chip isn't even a decent tip).
Working in the entertainment industry, I regularly receive promo items that are sold on eBay for hundreds of bucks. You'd be amazed how many of my colleauges just discard these items.