First off Al, let me be the first to say welcome aboard to a wonderful hobby! Now to answer your question you've take the first step... Keep your eye on The Chipboard because occasionally representatives from the casinos (like Mark Carroll) will give advance notice of a limited edition chip release by posting a message here and if you happen to miss a release because your busy or don't plan to be in Las Vegas, Atlantic City or another casino town at the time of the release you can always post a message here on The Chipboard asking if someone has an extra chip that they are willing to trade or sell. You can also talk to a casino chip dealer like Pete Rizzo, Terry Lazarus and Dave Haber (All of whom I've personally dealt with and who are extremely reputable!) they will usually go to the casino on the day of the release and buy a supply of chips (That is if the casino doesn't set a limit) then they will make them available to the collectors to buy on their resepective websites.
Can I also suggest that you join the CC & GTCC, It's a great little club with a lot of friendly casino chip and token collectors.
Al, Would you also please email me your mailing address.
== Rick ==