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The Chip Board Archive 07

Orleans mixes-in their 2002 $1 re-order.....

I was at the Orleans, Las Vegas, Nevada, this past weekend and noticed that they have mixed-in a new $1 chip. Like all of their previous $1 chips, it is brown, house mold, with the alligator logo on the inlay, and no inserts. The inlay has "2002", which now joins the previously issued, and still on the tables, 2001, 2000, 1999 and 1996 $1 chips.

I culled off about 80 of these new $1 chips, all of which are available for trades (and they will likely show up in my 13-run pay-off distributions). These are in real nice (new) condition, but I cannot say that they are uncirculated, as I pulled them off the poker tables.

If you are interested, just email me.

Jim Follis

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Orleans mixes-in their 2002 $1 re-order.....
Re: Orleans mixes-in their 2002 $1 re-order.....
Paul, I did not look, but suspect not.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg