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The Chip Board Archive 07

El San Juan Crest/Seal Roulettes

I got a number of drilled manufacturer's samples of Puerto Rico roulettes at the convention. Pictured below are the crest and seal dollar denominated-roulettes with blue logos and black denom. AlbertR lists other combinations of logo and denom color in his new book so this is just one table(?), I guess. Two of the chips are actual-use chips and are not drilled.

The photo quality in the Rollins book is poor, so I'm showing what the 11 samples look like here in case anyone wants to make a note or possibly print this out. The colors look pretty close on my monitor.

I see:

4 Reds:
Two Oranges:
Light Orange
Dark Orange
2 Greens:
Medium Green

Albert does list other colors in his book, 13 total in fact. I don't know whether there really are more or whether this represents fading with age, as these are pretty old. 13 is a lot of colors for a roulette table!

Generally, the samples are pretty well preserved and don't see much light so can be relied on to show how the colors started out. These appear to have been scotch-taped into some kind of sample book, or maybe to file cards.

Archie, I don't know if you plan to do an update to your P.R. book, but you're welcome to borrow these if you like to capture the colors for your listing.

Messages In This Thread

El San Juan Crest/Seal Roulettes
Rich Hanover - Please Don't Look At These!!!
Re: Rich Hanover - Please Don't Look At These!!!
Besides colors, .......
Re: Besides colors, .......
Look at this ...
Inlay sizes
Re: El San Juan Crest/Seal Roulettes

Copyright 2022 David Spragg