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The Chip Board Archive 07

for sale Monogram Chips for trade

Are you trying to spell your name in chips? Short some letters? I can help. I have a lot of traders of inlaid monogram chips in the style of Seymor's Code PO-AA to PO-AZ. That's the style of the chips in the scan below. I'll sell them , but would much rather trade for monogram chips I need. I completed the alphabet in chips a while ago, now I'm trying to complete the alphabet in (gulp) every color. White, red, & blue are first on my list.

If you are an inlaid monogram chip collector we can still do a trade. I have extra X chips (hard to find), and even some extra BLACK W chips. Black chips in this style are rare. I only have black chips in W & M in my collection.

Thank you.

Dave Smith in New Hampshire

Oh yeah... please feel free to use my "chips" scan. Looks cool on a business card.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg