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The Chip Board Archive 07

Roulette Night Invite In Ohio

That's right, You're all invited. All 2700 members ( or whatever the club numbers are now). Boy won't my wife be happy to know she's cooking for such a great group!

Only eight chairs available so some of you will have to stand. We need a croupier for the 30 spin 90 minute session. That is the best posistion to be in that night as the croupier won't lose any money, plus get's a free meal.

If anyone is foolish enough to make the trip to our humble home in northeast Ohio, you of course will be more than welcome. $300 to enter, all bank winnnings are divided equally between all the players at nights end. This way if you win you get bit more at the end, and if you lose, well you get a bit back from the bank end to soften the blow.

Place: Ashtabula Ohio

Date: Saturday July 27th

Time: 6:30

Buy In: $300

Clothing: optional

* Note: There will be absolutley no harvesting of chips from the table!

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Roulette Night Invite In Ohio
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Re: Roulette Night Invite In Ohio
Re: Roulette Night Invite In Ohio

Copyright 2022 David Spragg