Last night I made the 4 hour drive to Payson, AZ and back to pick up belongings loaded up by family evacuated due to wildfires.
68 homes lost last night in the Heber-Overgaard area... and although damage reports are not in, we are assuming my son's uncle and his family were probably among those who lost everything.
They were in the process of building a new home in Heber, AZ. The house was only in the framing stage, but they had their ATV's, boat and recreation vehicles at the new house. Their current home was at Hwy 260 and Overgaard... one of the hardest hit areas. Since their home was less than 1/2 mile from the hwy, again, they are assuming their house was destroyed.
Danny, his wife Michelle and their 3 young children are heading to Mesa to watch and wait for news.
My son's Grandmother lives in west ShowLow. The fire is expected to hit the town of ShowLow this afternoon. She had time to load up a truck of pictures and personal effects that will be safe with me (unless Prescott decides to burn again
This is a sad day for Arizonans... the fire fighters are doing a fantastic job... and although 100's people have lost their homes, there have been no injuries or loss of life. We continue to pray for rain... and pray for the well-being of everyone involved.