...just fall off a turnip truck. You know exactly what (probably who) I was thinking of in those comments. There is such a thing as e-mail. If our leaders do something you disagree with, write them a letter, call them, or send them an e-mail, and make your point. It is unnecessary to badger, intentionally misinterpret comments, demand answers to trivial questions or otherwise attempt to undermine the leadership of this club all year long. If as the next election comes around, you cannot, in the aggregate, support the actions of your elected officials, cast your vote, and urge others to cast their vote, to replace them.
I almost didn't answer your post because the idea that every DEMAND FOR AN ANSWER on the BBS is an order that must be followed is pure B... S... There is too much personal ego and "having the last word" to save face involved in many of the BBS postings. But, since you are a friend of mine, I decided to respond.