My name is Mike Skelton and I am announcing my candidacy for the office of President of CC & GTCC Board of Directors.
There are many issues facing the Club today, some short term and some that have a far greater horizon to them. They all need to be dealt with in a conscientious, businesslike manner, with the good of the whole organization as the driving force in the final decisions.
For those who may not know me, just a brief background on my Club and personal experiences.
Convention Chairman 1995-1998 * First member to receive a Honorary Life Membership for service to the Club * CC & GTCC Member since 1993 * Past Officer of Slab Free Chapter * Charter member of the Slab Free Chapter * Honorary member of several Chapters * Collect Vegas chips, specializing in Flamingo since 1988
I am the President and CEO of an Office Equipment company in Dallas, TX. Most of my professional life has been spent in management and marketing. I have been married to my lovely wife Ann for 16 years and lived in Texas my entire life. And I collect chips!!
BUILDING FUND and BUILDING PROJECT- This is important to the Club as an organization and I will continue to support the raising of the funds and the eventual acquisition of a permanent place to call our home. The Building Fund monies must be kept separate from the Club’s General Fund and earmarked for this specific purpose. I understand that the current Board has agreed to do this.
SLABBING- This may be the most contentious issue that we have faced in the history of our organization. My personal opinion is that the slabbing of chips is not good for this hobby nor does the practice bring anything of value to the collector. I will vote to continue the ban on slabbed chips from our Club Auction, I will vote to continue the ban of slabbed chips from the exhibits at the convention. I will vote to ban slabbing/grading companies from having tables at our annual convention. This exclusion will include any individual that is not selling “casino related” memorabilia at their tables, as per our convention table contract. The slabbing companies or their employees are NOT selling casino-related memorabilia, they are selling a service that in my opinion has no intrinsic value. However, I cannot see banning any member from buying or selling any type of chips on the convention floor. You should be able to collect whatever you want. Conversely, buyers are free NOT TO BUY ANYTHING from a dealer who sells slabbed chips.
This stance will be too radical for some members and not radical enough for others. So be it, but you know where I stand on this from the outset. You will never get 2700 people to agree 100% on anything.
BRASS CORE ISSUE- I have not been privy to all the information gathered in this recent controversy, so I can not make an informed decision. But speaking in general terms, if a member knowingly buys a fake, repaired, altered (whatever you want to call it) chip and resells as “genuine” with the purpose of defrauding another member, they are gone. Doesn’t matter who it is, if you would violate the trust of this organization and it’s members in this manner, we have no need for you.
We need to continue to have more members become actively involved in the projects and workings of our organization. We need to promote the club and our activities or projects to prospective members and to potential benefactors within the gaming industry. We need to make sure that detailed financial reports appear in each quarterly magazine issue. And we all need to remember why we became involved in this organization to begin with. AND THAT IS TO COLLECT CASINO RELATED MEMOROBILIA THAT MAKES US HAPPY.
I will listen to all the details and both sides of an issue before making a decision. I have always had a no non-sense style of management, but it has always been fair.
I would ask for your support and will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.