All the sources I have only refer the four Casinos refered in my message- Casino Index- Europaische Spielbanken, Les Catedrales du Jeu- Guide aux Casinos d`Europe, etc.
If you open all the casinos in that site, you can see the four casinos I said ,and see that the others are ipodromos ( horse racing).
If your brother is in Venice tell him that this CASINO MUNICIPALE DI VENEZIA has two adresses, winter and summer:
From May to Setember- VENEZIA LIDO.
If your brother goes to this casino certainly will get chips to you.But say him to try the others in the guide, just to see. May be , at least,he would take an horse shoe.
Does anybody has poscards or chips from those casinos or does anybody knows something more about it?
Please share.
Best regards