Hi Bob,
The word Kursaal is used both in the Dutch as the French language.
The part being 'kur', like in a treatment or cure. Being massage, mudbaths etc.
The part being 'saal', like a room. So liturally it would mean cureroom.
Like you guys call a spa or health spa, that actually come from the city of Spa in Belgium.
In the early 1700s they had a Kursaal there with water coming from the natural spring. This water contained some bubbels and people had lots and lots of treament in the 'healing water' of Spa.
But who in the 1700s could afford beauty treatments, the rich and famous.
Most of these treatments where done in the morning, leaving the people a bit 'bored' in the afternoon and evening. So they said why don't we organise some 'gaming' for these people. The start of what we know now as Casino's. In the real early days, a Kursaal and Casino where often together in the same building or very near to each other. Think also Kursaal Baden-Baden in Germany, Vichy in France and so on.
Kind regards,
Belgium Bob R-4479