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The Chip Board Archive 07

ccgtcc Auction Lot #122 THANK YOU

I think auction lot #122 was a success. It was the club members that made it a big hit. There were 1621 cards listed with a few extras sent in with out members names. There was a mail bid of $750, so that is were the live auction started. It only took a few seconds to reach the hammer price of ........$1200........ I wanted to have over 1,000 cards and once we had 1,600 cards I was hoping the hammer price would go over $1,000. Both things happened so I am putting this auction down in my mental diary as a success.

It was big fun receiving cards every day from many different members.

The winning bidder was the #2 donor David Johnston LM-2314-43. David kept me going by sending 3 to 5 cards every few days. Every day when I opened the P.O. Box I looked for a batch from David. I am pleased David was the winning bid. He sent in 133 cards with a photo card and I think He bought the lot to get his picture off the market. rofl

A huge THANK YOU to David and all the members that made this auction a success.

Having fun Steve CC+GTCC #CH-044

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ccgtcc Auction Lot #122 THANK YOU
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