I suspect that the "prices realized" listing will be made available (and posted on the Club's site) as soon as it is prepared, just as the past auction was.
Since you brought up the auction, I just wanted to pass along my congratulations and acknowledgement that this years auction was great.
Although I have missed some, and most certainly welcome corrections, I'd like to pass on my thanks for a job well done to:
Jim Kruse
Howard Herz
Kregg Herz
Bruce Landau
Eileen Landau
Jim Steffner
Dave Shron
Estelle Hartman
And several others whose names escape me right now that worked the auction display tables and the night of the auction at the money table.
Thank you everyone, and thanks also to the members who donated auction items, that placed items into auction and the winning bidders. I am looking forward to hearing the results and final tallies.
Jim Follis
On-Line Communications Director