Hi Mark; Yes, I remember you ... and your brother BriaN ... (who also did not use his last name) but the capital "N" at the end of his first name made his posts very distinctive and personalized. BTW: Fjor the record, I did not "attack" anyone. I merely posted a simple comment that was intended to be helpful .... here's what I said to you in my original response:
"Mark; Maybe if you would post your full name you might get a response to some of your posts."
You are the one who became very defensive.
What you had posted previously on the Atlantic City message board has nothing to do with your posts here. One should not have to do searches to find out which "Mark" is posting on thechipboard.com I think if you will go back and read Alan Myers' post, that would explain the position that most users of thechipboard prefer when responding to someone who does not use their full name(s).
I'll offer another constructive suggestion to you Mark .... if you don't want to make your last name known in your future chipboard posts ... how about typing "Mark F." as your poster's identification?