For those on the "Chips for face list." But first a story to go along with them.
Bill O'Day and I headed up to Lake Tahoe early Thursday morning to gather slot cards and chips for the convention and then on to Carson City and Reno. In any case, when we got to Bill's Casino, we had to wait 15 minutes or so to speak to the cage manager to get our $1.00 chips (the crap table was closed.)
Apologetically, she gave us each one chip as they said they were running short of them. Seems those damn chip collectors were all out on runs that day. No sense in arguing with her so we left passing by the crap table seeing bunches of the $1.00 chips locked up. Oh well!!
We then went across the street to the Horizons and Bill (O'Day) asked if they had any "foreign chips" and sure enough, there sat almost a complete rack of Bill's Casino $1.00 chips ready for pickup to be delivered back across the street to Bill's Casino. So we got our chips after all. If we weren't in such a hurry to get to Carson City, we thought of going back to Bill to see if they wanted any of their chips since they were short of them.
So here are the chips. If you need any, I'll have about 20 of them for sale at face (again if you are on the "list."
The $5.00 Sports Bar chips were easy to get this time. The cashier was very helpful (the single table was closed.) Sure was different from the last trip we made as that time we couldn't get any at all. All depends upon the person tending the cage. I've only got 5 of those available.