You mention in your profile, "Think nobody in your area is doing it?" That was one of the things that struck me. I had never heard of this before and when I did a search on I found that there were about 4 of them hidden within 5 miles of me and probably another dozen or show within 15 miles. The forest preserves around here are, appearantly, filled with these things. I was thinking, when I go to Vegas (9 days) I am going to pick up as much inexpensive or free stuff that I can find and maybe build and hide one of these caches. Or just put them into caches that I might find. Cards, Dice, Chips, Napkins, Swizzle Sticks, Keychains, Mardi Gras Beads, Slot Cards... This sounds pretty interesting. We have some great equestrian and bicycle trails, hiking trails and picnic grounds in the forest preserves near me, and other trails along or in place of current and old railroads etc. I have never actually hiked or ridden any of these trails but this might give me another reason to do some exploring and get out of this smoke filled dust littered house and get some badly needed exercise and fresh air.