That method gets hard to maintain when your collection gets larger and they always do! I used to scan and print my illegal chip collection before the convention but it got to the point that it took 2 weeks to scan and ended up costing $35 in printer ink. Now I keep an Excel spreadsheet of all of these chips. I can find the chips quicker and it rare when the description isn't adequete to tell if I already have a chip. Where there is a price guide I make a note in the guide which ones I have. When buying chips I want the guides with me anyway to check prices. (Like in antiques, not every chip dealer knows the correct value of every chip.) If you are really into scanning you can scan everything and put it in a notebook computer and carry that with you. But I think a printed list is still easier and quicker. And with 100+ dealers, each of which may have 5 or 10 binders that you want to look at, time gets tight at the convention.