Mike; For the sake of discussion and as an explanation to others ... let's put aside the controversial Hard Rock NCV chip coupon for the moment ... and all the other promotional materials that will be inside the package... and we can discuss that aspect later.
Pre-Registration primarily benefits the attendee ... and to a lesser degree, the club. It costs each member $10 to Pre-register.... which includes your 3-day admission badge that also serves as your required "credentials" for all the other convention-related activities.
In the event one decided NOT to pre-register ... (the option was with the member) they will still be required to pay the same $10 admission for the three day show. So Pre-Registration is a Win-Win deal for $10.... In other words, there is NO earthly disadvantage why NOT to Pre-Register; unless one is undecided whether they are planning to attend the convention or not.
The advantage of Pre-Registration (putting aside the give-aways) is that the club member can pick up his/her credentials as early as 10 a.m. on Wednesday, the day before the convention officially opens, in order to gain admission to the early bird banquet and trading session that follows and to avoid the long lines that will surely be in evidence on Thursday morning... since most members arriving in town early for the banquet and trade session will already have their credentials. Those who did not pre-register will have to stop at the normal Registration table and pay their admission fee before receiving their required badge. Pre-registration benefits the club because it encourages those non-club members and spouses of club members who are planning to attend the convention to send in their membership application with their Pre-registration fee.
Now... the reason for all the interest in the Hard Rock coupon that is being inserted in this years Pre-Registration package is primarlily because the chip that was given out at Hard Rock for last year's convention immediately sold on Ebay for well over $100 shortly after the convention was over. Who knows what this year's HRC chip will be worth? Not a bad deal for the cost of $10 to pre-register ... which is what it costs to get into the 3-day show anyhow if one did not pre-register.
There were quite a few pre-registered people who received this coupon (that was taped to the back of last year's badge) and who disregarded it... or discarded it. That's not going to be the case this year... because of all the advance publicity.... based on the successful Hard Rock promotion from the year before.
Some members have objected to the fact that Hard Rock is requiring a $15 purchase in their gift shop in order to redeem this year's NCV chip coupon. Maybe somebody with that mind-set who pre-registered just to get their badge early will give you/sell you their coupon? The alternative would be for the club not to accept Hard Rock's generous ncv chip offer in the future.... which I don't think is a realistic alternative.
BTW: The club does not order these chips, nor does the club tell HRC how many to make. HRC decides how many that will be manufactured after the club estimates how many is needed and donates them to the club for insertion into the Pre-Registration packages... not intended for distribution to everyone who attends the convention ... which is why there will be a strict control policy in effect that only those who pre-registered will be provided with these promotional materials in their pre-registration package .... and everyone will need photo i.d. when each individual picks up their package in person.
I understand your frustration being new to the club and all... but experience provides a wonderful education. I would bet that you'll be one of the first to pre-register next year!