Well, at least it's new to me. And oh yes, it's got nothing to do with the current (or should I more accurately say, still pending) on-going investigation of the illegal chips scandal.
This has to do with upcoming issues of the Chinese New Year chips for Hollywood Park. I saw Tom Bollinger this afternoon (at the Lucky Derby in Citrus Heights) and asked him about the rumor regarding the reissuing of the brass core chips after a two year hiatus.
According to Tom, he is in contact with a plastic manufacture who bought the molds needed to make the brass core chips. The company spokesmen, although not familiar with making chips, said that he could, in fact, make them with the molds currently in his possession.
The deal is, that if this person could make the chips, Hollywood Park will buy them. However, they will not pay him any money up front as they (Hollywood Park) has lost a lot of money in the past by paying the last manufacture the up front money and the manufacture could not produce the chips.
So that's the story. I know no more about it. Now we'll just have to wait and see what developes