I thought it might be interesting to compare the $25 Hard Rock Sammy Hagar chip with a Classic Las Vegas $100 chip from the New Frontier. Both are "worth" about the same. I have the New Frontier $100 availible on my web site for $1600. This post is not meant to offend LE collectors or collectors of Hard Rock chips, just meant to compare and hopefully highlight some relative value.
The Hard Rock Sammy $25 is about a month old. The New Frontier $100 is about 47 years old.
The image on the Hard Rock chip is some old has been rocker who no one would care about if he wasn't on a Hard Rock chip. The image on the New Frontier $100 is a classic image of what Las Vegas looked like in the 1950's.
The known quantity of the Hard Rock chip is 250. Although its impossible to say for sure how many New Frontier $100's will ultimately be known, currently only 3 or 4 undrilled and maybe 4 or 5 more with a drill hole are known.
I'm sure that the Hagar chips are in better condition that the average $100 New Frontier, but what do you expect after 47 years. I'd like to see what the Hagar chips look like after 47 years if anyone is still collecting them.
Its my opinion that a true rarity isn't just created. If the Hard Rock put out a 50 chip issue of the Jefferson Airplane, or some other washed up rocker, would it be worth $4,000?? I'm sure many can find flaws with my comparison and its clearly not a perfect argument, I just though it was worth mentioning.