I know many of us are getting ready for the convention, however, I would like everyone to think a little past the convention. I would like to propose a Chip Club meeting where we would do some trading and shoot the bull.
The meeting would be on:
Tuesday - June 18, 2002 at 7:00 PM
Location - 2035 Harding Street, Hollywood, FL
This is the office of a friend who is also a chipper. He has a conference room that can hold 15-20 people. There will be no cost and we can see how the turnout is. Hopefully, we will run out of room and have to hold the next one somewhere bigger.
This is not limited to only S. Florida chippers, but since the State is so large, I thought something regional would be a good start. Anyone who is in town at that time is more than welcome.
Please email me if you can make it.
Directions: I-95 to Sheridan St. East to 20th; South to Harding; west 2 blocks. Building is on the right and says DCI - it is on the second floor.