I went to the union website...
First step choose English or Spanish (No big deal, but there must be many spanish speaking people visit this site to cause them to post 2 versions)
I noticed a Link on the web page for "Citizenship Help" (Does that indicate anything here?) The fact that it is part of the website makes me think more than just one or two people might be interested in help with citizenship.
Maybe I am missing something... but...
In Southern Texas (and I am sure Texas is not unique in this) the use of Spanish speaking people without citizenship seem to be welcomed and very often exploited by many employers. Surely none of these people fall in that catagory (of being exploited). Most of the employers that I remember using assure the public they did not exploit the employees due to their (the spanish speaking people with out citizenship) circunstances.
Excuse me...
Psst hey Juan, you and Pedro remember to pull de weeds dis time or it's back to Mexico you go!
OK .. now what was I saying..I forget