According to Jung & Pfaender's guide, the $4 chip ($8-$12) was a drop chip, used to pay house rake at certain poker games. TOTV phone number was 1-800-The Nuts! Top Of The Vine was located at Frazer Park/Lebec CA. A scraggly lookin' place that once had some cattle running around but now has more tow trucks. A Flying J truck stop sits across from where TOTV used to squat but the building is either gone or converted into one of the transmission/pizza/vidio rental shops that have sprung up to serve Los Angelinos who continue to look for homes further and further away. The joint looked like a likely place to get shot in the parking lot. The "Vine" part of the name refers to the nickname of the highway, I-5, that follows the historic route through there, The Grapevine. A radiator busting, brake burning rise and fall over the hills there. Always wondered why such a place had such eye-catching chips.