A dilemma according to my pocket dictionary is "a perplexing situation, especially one in which a choice has to be made between alternatives that are equally undersirables".
Surely nobody would think of a choice when it comes to the June convention there is no choice but a must for all the dealers, officers of the clubs and that includes all the members who desires to attend.
We have nothing to do with the labor union's fight against the management in all the casinos they want to go on strike. We are the general public and we must be protected both by management and the union. Both of them must guarantee our safety and well being while we are guests in these facilities. All the casinos affected has contingency plans. You might miss your favorite dealer, cocktail waitress, or restaurant waiters but you should be proud because these temperary helps are the presidents, vice presidents, the shift managers, and other managerial specialists who will be as glad to see you and me there. I will get double treat on my chocolate ice cream from the general manager serving me.
Personally I will go on with my "personal business" of visiting the casinos while in Las Vegas. I know for one thing that both the management and the union will "clear a way" for me to get in and out without hassle for anyone to do otherwise will loss my "vote".
We should not even think about the strike and go on as usual as we normally do, both management and union are nothing "without us" the general public.
There is no dilemma for me for the June convention is a "very desireable" annual affair of the club. I will be there.
Thank you.