I just found out that both Mastercard and Visa have come out with Pre-Paid credit cards, You determine the amount and when it runs out you just cut it up and chuck it. According to both the Mastercard and Visa websites they are accepted where ever see the Mastercard or Visa logo either using it online or offline. So I'd give it a shot, What do you have to lose? If it doesn't work then you can go out and treat your spouse/lover to a nice dinner and charge it to your prepaid card. But I can't see why with a pre-paid credit card why they would deny a transaction. It's not like they have to bill you and the money is just automatically deducted from your account. So how could there be any fraud or problems?
You know, It's times like this that I wished that I had learned how to play poker, I always love being at the Taj and watching the people play through the glass plate window or watching from inside of the racebook inside of the poker room and think to myself "Damn! I wish that was me sitting in there playing!".
== Rick ==