Andy wrote: "Since you have nothing to do. Now would be a good time to go out & buy a SCANNER! "
Nice try, Andy...but I can't "go out" and buy one!! JB says they're only available through the HP website! I did look on ebay yesterday, thought they might have a dealer with new ones, but no luck...and we don't want a used one.
NOW the COTY/SOTY/TOTY ballot is here , and the CCTN is here
(a little abused and enclosed in a baggie,
courtesy of the USPS) (and I'm reading it between reading emails...) so I've got plenty to do!!
Andy, neither my husband or I know anything about scanners (DUH!), so let me ask this....can a scanner be used on a 3-D object, like an ashtray, or do you need a digital camera for that? (Of course we don't know anything about them, either! ) Please keep it simple!! I CAN program a vcr...that's about as technical as my mind will go!!