"Club Bingo that was dug up at the old dump in Vegas. Luckily near perfect. One small rust spot." HEY! Was that the same dump that our Sal Sagev coffee cup came from!??! (Sunrise Mountain) It's got a tiny rust spot, but other than that is perfect. When we ran into Jim Rauzy at the bottle show he said he's working on a casino china book...I hope he does it! The china is really neat!
"Come to Vegas & you can take digital pictures of my ashtrays." I'd have to get a digital camera, and learn to use it first!!
"we can do mathces, then plates, swizzle sticks, glasses, slot glass, casino cubes of sugar, & bars of soap. And about 500 other paper category items from Keno tickets to Postcards."
Sounds like our "stuff" it's totally out of control, and we LOVE it! BTW do you have the Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn dice sugar cubes??
Oh! You forgot Keno Crayons! And key chains, coat hangars, lighters, money clips, tie tacks, dealer ties, dealer aprons, blackjack layouts, dice, keno balls, bingo cards........
We could put our stuff together and open a shop at Neonopolis...NAAAAAHHHH, it's not for sale!
Pam & George