Actually, it isn't the highest. Last May a Monte Carlo, from the downtown club, went for $3250. It was a bidding war between ocosmic6 and Col.Batguano (Paul Gregory) was very exciting to watch!! (I also kept an eye on the "winners" see if the auction was successfully completed--apparently it was, as positive feedback was posted). The same "winner" also placed successful bids on a tray from Frank Sinatra's Cal-Neva, one from the Bird Cage, and one from the Las Vegas Club. I don't remember what the Bird Cage and Cal-Neva went for, but the Las Vegas Club went for $860.01. For all 4 of those 'trays, over 2 days, Ocosmic6 spent over $5000. Funny thing is, I haven't seen him bid on an ashtray since then!! I'll bet he got "grounded"!! the way....I'm not entirely happy about that $755 ashtray (including shipping & insurance) . I asked my husband to NOT bid over $600!!! Oh is a GREAT 'tray!!
(Of course he says it's my anniversary, birthday, and next Christmas gift!)
And, if you're curious about the Las Vegas Club ashtray that went for $860.01 last May, look up completed auctions for porkchop415, my husband bought one like it Sunday night (even though we already had one...sighhhh... oh well, ours was pretty beat up).