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The Chip Board Archive 06

Footnote (note written on bottom of foot)
In Response To: Red HOT! .... ()

.... I have seen many an (new) engineer whip out their calculators and plug in a few numbers only to look up with a dumb look and have "YOU GOT ME" all over their faces..... We all think of many relative terms as absolute, so long as we all understand what we mean it's OK. vbg

Ask your friends, they will scratch their heads thinking about it too. rofl

Messages In This Thread

A tricky math problem (NCR)
What's the Answer???
Re: What's the Answer???
Re: What's the Answer???
Re: What's the Answer???
Re: A tricky math problem (NCR)
Re: A tricky math problem (NCR)
Brian, the recap...
The Chilling Question. is. (TRY THIS ONE!)
How about -32�F ...
Your "Ice Cold" rofl (and not close vbg )
Actually I think the concept ..
Red HOT! ....
Footnote (note written on bottom of foot)
Re: Footnote (note written on bottom of foot)
Re: Footnote (note written on bottom of foot)
Re: Footnote (note written on bottom of foot)
Re: Footnote (note written on bottom of foot)
Re: Footnote (note written on bottom of foot)
Mike, I'm not convinced.....
Re: Mike, I'm not convinced.....
Re: I thought the answer would be 0�
Bring a jacket,,, just in case! rofl
Wiseguy; I zoomed in on the "TWICE" - rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg