The flea market at Rosemont, Illinois yielded only a Tropicana paperweight in the casino "stuff" line.
The coin-op show yielded some CHIPS!
•Gold River, Lau, 25˘ yellow H&C
•Howard Johnsons, Sparks, $5 orange H&C
•Speakeasy, Reno $1 blue, H&C
•Horseshoe, Reno, $1 "for fun" black, Lg.Key
Allan TCR N5195 reverse is described as "pic spur". Looks like a horseshoe with coins logo, to me. Same chip?
•Soper's, Montgomery Pass, $1 purple, Lg. Key
Allan TCR N5642 says it has 3 black inserts...they're navy, unless it's a different chip?
•Chuck's Golden Spike, Carson City, $5 red, H&C
•Horseshoe-Bob Cashell's, Reno, $1 navy, H&C
Felix's Bank Club, Lovelock, $5 brown, Horseshoe
Big Meadow Club, Lovelock, Roul. Navy, Wave
Town House, Reno, $5 orange, hub
Nevada Club, Reno, Roul. brown, dots (
the 7th the first 6 from ebay-Mike Spinetti)
Also got a pair of dice from the Showboat, and a pair from E.A. Gould (mfr.). annnnnnddd... a set of 6 dice from the Vernon Country Club husband just strayed out of Nevada!!!