Well, I wasn't paying attention and I ended up buying a Centerfold counterfeit. I bought this chip on ebay. The item description did not list it as a counterfeit.
I notified the seller and he wasn't aware that it was a fake. He apologized and offered to refund my money ($13.50). He said he bought it from "an old-time Las Vegas dealer". But added he didn't think the dealer was knowledgeable about chips.
An honest mistake on the seller's part, and a stupid mistake on my part. Because I knew there was a Centerfold counterfeit. But what tricked me was the condition of the chip. It was very worn, so I assumed it was played on the tables...and casino issued. Not until I received it did I open TCR and check.
Counterfeit chip: $1/Mustard/Diecar/HS Gold/N0961
Casino Issued: $1/Gold/Suits/HS Gold/N7656
Can anyone scan N7656 for a comparison? Thanks.