... what seems like eons ago (but was actually Friday night), it is my opinion that David did not violate any provision of the club's ethics rules. Nor has the board made any announcement to the contrary. Therefore, I still see no justification for treating him as you suggested:
>> While Mr. W. is not a club member as I understand it, he could be deemed a
>> persona non-grata at our convention by the Board and denied admission to the
>> bourse floor as a minimum condemnation of his practice.
The other questions you raised:
>> Maybe I missed it in an earlier post.... but what is Mr. W. doing with these
>> repaired/altered chips after he "modifies" them? Does he sell them? If so, to whom?
>> Is there someone who is purchasing these "altered" brass cores in quantity
>> from Mr. W? If so, what does that person do with the altered chips
>> that have been purchased from Mr. W? Will that person (or those persons) be identified
>> in a follow-up report?
... are quite pertinent. You did not miss anything; those questions have not been answered publically. As things stand, they will not be.
As indicated in another post, I have volunteered to prepare a modified report which would at least allow the facts to become known, if not the names of the individuals involved. As of yet, I have not heard from Nate or the board. I am otherwise not at liberty to answer those questions for you.
----- jim o\-S