... the report would be broadcast throughout the entire Numismatic world. Messing aroung with altered and counterfeited chips is not a matter to be taken so lightly. This report has to hit the tabloids and not just our club magazine. It's our duty to see that it does. We are responsible to make sure we inform as many persons as possible via these publications with all the facts Jim Reily has obtained from those who cooperated with him. There's a lot of work that needs to be done and we shouldn't just sit back and accept Nate's message without demanding the report be released A.S.A.P.
I'd hate to read headlines in Numi News such as:
"Counterfeit chips hit the collecting community marketplace and the CC>CC clams up."
Come on, Guys... if you care about our hobby enough then please stand with those of us who publicly demand the report be released.