Do you use the feedback forum site????
If you click on "Feedback forum" at the bottom of any ebay page, it will take you to a screen that offers feedback information.
Scroll down just a little, and theres a link that says "leave feedback-view all auctions at once" (or something like that). Click on that link, and you'll get a sign-in screen. After you sign in, there's a button that says "view all transactions" (or something....). Click on it, and you'll get a list of all auctions that you haven't left feedback for.
It will show you every auction that you've won and haven't left feedback for, including the description, the auction #, the ebay name and the email address of the seller, the date the auction was completed, and the place to type in your feedback when you're ready to leave it. You can also click on the auction if you want to double check anything....
Try it!! You'll like it!!!