This post just brought a question to mind. It has been a while since I played roulette so I am not sure of this. If at the beginning of a shift, they start with a full set of chips at each of the roulette tables, then how can anyone get away without them knowing you are taking some chips? It would seem that the dealer would notice after you cash out and he has restacked your color that any are missing. There would be no doubt as to who has them as you would have been the last one using that color. If a given casino takes roulette harvesting seriously than they could have the eye watching the cages and the routes to the doors looking for you. With guards at the doors, it wouldn't be too easy for you to make a brake for it without some guy with a radio waiting for you. Also it would seem that boats would be more difficult to harvest on as they have limited access and exits and are usually smaller areas. They know at one place where they will be able to catch you. Unlike a LV casino where you might have a dozen different entrances or exits and the enormous square footage that has to be watched.
What do others think about this? Especially the Roulette collectors out there.