I made my near yearly trip to Mystic Lake Casino yesterday and among the other things I discovered are:
Effective 31 March 2002, the "old" copper-nickel $1.00 tokens will no longer be accepted here or at their Litte Six casino next door.
Also, the yellow $5.00 "Action Chips) will no longer be redeemable after 15 April 2002.
The "new" $1.00 slot tokens are brass, with a security ring, and despite them being "new" the ones I brought back are banged up to heck and back.
I have a limited number of the "new" $1.00 tokens available for trade/sell. I am currently out of the "old" tokens, but I will try and snag a few if any one is interested.
In the scan below, the "new" token is on the left, the "old" token is on the right.