Hi all, my wife and I are still in Reno. Spent much of the today with Howard Hertz. WE were at the auction all three days. Nothing went cheap? I have been to many auctions of gambling antiques.My former business partner Don Britt who has done maybe 100 such auction including all of the Harrah's while Bill was alive was amazed as well. He put the Sharkey's auction together,coming out of retirement.
I tried to keep a running total $$$, within 10% the total was 1.6 million.
Yes Dean Porter was the buyer of the table, $8500 plus 10% buyers prem. I was lucky enough to get what I would consider the second best table chip wise, it has a number of R-10 old Harrah;s chips plus half dozen $100 oversize brass chips. There were no chips in the auction other then those in the tables, except for some common paulson roulette's with no casino name sold in a old chip holder. On Saturday their had to been 650 people at the auction. My guess is based on the fact there were 500 chairs out, all of which were full.
We had a great time, meet many other chippers, and our Sharkey table will stay intack and it will be back in Vegas in 48 hours....Mike