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The Chip Board Archive 06
Re: I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team *m
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I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team
I agree 100 percent! A disgrace.
--click here to visit my webpage--
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I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team
Re: I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team *m
Re: I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team *m
Re: I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team *m
Re: I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team *m
Re: I am disgusted...
Proper punishment
Re: I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team *m
Scott... Can you please clue me in?
Click Scott's Link In His Post
Ok that's just shameful!
Re: I am disgusted by the US Womens Hockey Team *m
Re: Actually the coach admitted in a television
Re: Actually the coach admitted in a television
Re: Actually the coach admitted in a television
Re: Actually the coach admitted in a television
Re: Actually the coach admitted in a television
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