First, this is an open forum to express one's opinions openly at the grace of our Board host Greg. So, everyone is entitled to speak his or her piece.
Since you have expressed thoughts and suggestions regarding the Club and our Convention I would strongly suggest that you JOIN the Club, if you would like to affect change in our organization. The Board and the Club are always looking for new members and would love to have you join, then volunteer to put together a presentation on holding our annual show at these different venues.
As for these "gambling centers", El Paso has no casino. The courts closed it last night! AC and Biloxi could be considered "gambling centers" but they bring a whole different set of issues with them when it comes to holding a convention of our size there. Some of the locations you mentioned have at some point in the life of our Club been considered for host cities.
Meeting space, catering cost, hotel room cost, air service, drive in distance, dates, potential local "traffic" and membership geography have all been considered at one point or another. The first Board that staged the first convention chose Vegas for all the right reasons. In spite of the fact that all the Board members were from the Midwest or the East coast! Just a little history here.
I would be interested to read any report that you or anyone else would like to put together concerning moving the show around on this rotating basis.