The Greektown and Motor City commemoratives and LE's and even the dice are winding down sports fans. One hour and 15 minutes left.
I hope too many of you didnt get "peeved" at my humor last time when i posted there was 3 mi nutes left for the last auction. The post was only for fun-I didnt expect anyone to bid anymore on it. I fully knew that by the time anyone would read the post and get there it would be closed. That was the humor!! But, alas (heavy sigh) someone was a bit upset with me by posting that. I guess they read it right after I posted it and went to check it out, and wanted to bid on it but the auction had ended already. They were upset that I would make that post when there waas no way to bid on if even if they wanted to.
So-for those that got upset-try to lighten up a bit and just see the post as the light hearted fun post that it was intended to be.