Until the new equipment is in place, or they train more dogs, most of this process will be done through bag matching. If a person checks two bags at the counter and doesn't board the plane, their bags will be removed from the plane. What happens when a person checks two bags at the counter and only one of them makes it onto the plane? Will they hold the flight until the baggage crew can find a bag that fell off the conveyor belt? ...probably not. Now, you have a bag sitting at an airport that in the past would have been put on the next flight to the same end destination as the passenger who owns it. If I read the new regs correctly, the left-behind bag cannot be loaded onto another plane, because the passenger who owns it won't be on that plane.
As much as I travel, I've been fortunate enough to have only had two bags "lost", and the airlines were able to "find" them and get them to me within 24 hours of my arrival at my final destination. I already pack as light is possible, but it looks like I should be prepared to buy clothes and other essentials should an airline "lose" one of my bags...