... Hey, willing to pay ‘ransom’??? hehehe I SURRRE like that big blue one on toppppp! Anyway you get the point that it is pretty difficult to safeguard much on the Internet. What I would LOVE to see is a place where EVERYONE can upload or download scans of chips. The problem is that it requires a LOT of space and they need to be consistent size, resolution, and format etc. It seems if you are looking for almost anything someone has a scan of it somewhere, problem is there are a LOT of 'somewheres' out there! It was mentioned before of sharing the checkmate databases among collectors, but not everyone uses checkmate. It would be great to have a central reference point for everything. As soon as it was nearing completion though someone would surely pull all the images and sell it in a copyrighted book & charge us for our own material . It's a nice thought, since I will never actually own but a microscopic percentage of the chips out there. It would be the equivalent of "ALBERT PICK" references in currency!